オリヴィエ・カテ 個展  Olivier Catté "Asia Store"


2025年3月14日(金) - 3月30日 (日) 12:30 - 17:00


14 Fri. March - 30 Sun. March, 2025

Open: 12:30 - 17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays



GALLERY IND.では2025年3月14日よりフランス人アーティスト、オリヴィエ・カテによります弊ギャラリーでの三回目の個展"Asia Store"を開催いたします。2021年"Contemplations"、2022年"Gardens to visit"に続く本展では、アジア諸国の使用済み梱包輸送用ダンボールにインク、水彩絵の具、色鉛筆、木炭、石墨で描かれた風景画シリーズ"Asia Store"を展示いたします。





確かに私はグルーヴできる。       - 2022年 春 フランス

 One man's junk is another man's treasure.(AのがらくたはBの宝物。)という言葉さながら、独特な感性で用済みダンボールをアート作品へと再生させる"Asia Store"を通して推進力のあるリズムの中で変化するパターンが生み出す効果や'感触'をお楽しみください。


GALLERY IND. is pleased to present ‘Asia Store’, the third solo exhibition at the gallery by French artist Olivier Catté, starting 14 March 2025, following ‘Contemplations’ in 2021 and ‘Gardens to visit’ in 2022. The exhibition will focus on the series ‘Asia Store’, a series of landscape paintings made with ink, watercolour paint, coloured pencil, charcoal and graphit on used food packaging cardboard from Asian countries.

The works in this series are also characterized by Olivier Catté's own inspirations, which are projected onto ‘junk’ supports, along with the noise, speed and dynamism of the city and its architecture, and the energy and communication networks that flow through the space. In the spring of 2022, when he began work on this project, he said;

The pandemic seemed to be moving away, war was setting in, I wanted blurry horizons, silent wanderings.

Rainy Day Dream away,

My little Asian Store was around the corner,

Sure I can groove.     France, Spring 2022

One man's junk is another man's treasure. Olivier Catté's ‘Asia Store’ is a unique and sensible way of transforming waste materials into works of art.

Please enjoy the effects and ‘feel’ created by the changing patterns in the propulsive rhythm.



Olivier Catté  オリヴィエ・カテ

1957年 プティ・ケヴィリ / フランス 生まれ、ルーアン / フランス 在住

Born in 1957 in Petit Quevilly, France

Lives and works in Rouen, France

1977 - 1978 : Ecole des Beaux-arts de Pau.

1979 - 1981 : Institut d’Arts Visuels d’Orléans.

1981 : Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique, département Art.


recent solo exhibitions

2022 : Gallery IND., Nara, Japan

2021 : Gallery IND., Nara, Japan

2020 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

           Whoa Art Gallery, Paris

2019 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

2017 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

2016 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

           Galerie Lazarew. Bruxelles

2015 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

           Galerie Lazarew, Bruxelles


- recent collective exhibitions

2020 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

           Galerie 3W, Reims

2019 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

           Galerie 3W, Reims

2018 : Galerie Lazarew, Paris

           Galerie 3W, Reims

           Galerie Galvani, Toulouse

           Galerie One Moment, Paris

2017 : Art 100 Gallery, New York City, U.S.A.

           Galerie t, Düsseldorf

           Centre d'Art International de Tucheng, China

           Galerie Lazarew, Paris 

2016 : Galerie t, Düsseldorf

           Zunyi International Art Center, China

           Köln art Fair, Cologne

           Art 100 Gallery, New York City, U.S.A.

2015 : Galerie Lazaret, Paris



スティーヴン・ローラー、 ドミニク・ターナー、アメリア・スタイン 三人展                                                             Stephen Lawlor - Dominic Turner - Amelia Stein  Exhibition       "Of Night and Light and Half Light "


2025年4月11日(金) - 4月27日 (日) 12:30 - 17:00


11 Fri. April - 27 Sun. April, 2025

Open: 12:30 - 17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays




詩: -













This title line about light comes from a poem by Irish Poet Laureate WB Yeats and refers to an aspect of the work of all the three artists that binds them together even though the subjects and themes may differ. 


The poem: -


Aedh wishes for the cloths of Heaven

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

Enwrought with golden and silver light,

The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

Of night and light and the half light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


Stephen Lawlor


Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1958

Lives and works in Dublin, Ireland



Dominic Turner


Lives and works in Dublin, Ireland



Amelia Stein


Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1958

Lives and works in Dublin, Ireland

グレッグ・カルヴァーシュ 個展  Greg Calvache solo exhibition


2025年5月16日(金) - 6月1日 (日) 12:30 - 17:00


16 Fri. May - 1 Sun. June, 2025

Open: 12:30 - 17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays




Greg Calvache

Born in 1977, Lyon, France

Lives and works in Perpignan, France