2020年12月5日 - 12月20日
5 (sat.) - 20 (sun.) December, 2020
Open: 12:00 - 18:00 on Saturdays and Sundays
南仏トューロン出身、現在パリで活動する写真家フレッド・アトランによります弊ギャラリーでの5回目の新作写真展"Pending stones (未定の石)"を開催いたします。
フレッド・アトランはパリ第八大学で視覚芸術を中心とした美学・芸術学を修了、職業写真家としてのキャリアを積みながら、現在は、ファインアートの領域で独自の作品を意欲的に制作しています。今回の個展では、紙片、石片、木片などを素材にして特異な造形物を作り上げ、それらを撮影した新作シリーズ "Pending stones"から作品を抜粋して展示いたします。身近にある素材から原始の寓意的風景を作り上げ、過去の崇高な世界との接触をテーマにしているシリーズで、撮影された太古の石の遺物のような物体が、その行き着く先が未定のまま、見る者を神話的世界へと誘います。
GALLERY IND. is pleased to present the solo exhibition of the French photographer Frédéric Atlan, his fifth solo show in Japan. After graduating from the University of Paris 8, he embarked on a career as a professional photographer, and currently he works as a fine art photographer based in Paris. This exhibition will be showing his new photography series "Pending stones", in which he reaches toward unknown worlds by intervening in and recreating breathtaking landscapes.This series of works expands on the theme of contact with the sublime world of the past by creating primitive allegorical landscapes from familiar materials, such as bread, wrapping paper, bricks, and so on. What looks like a photographed stone relic remains pending, waiting for us to turn our gaze to the mythical world of the past.
私の写真が捉えている世界は、日常生活の中から集められたものを素材にしていて、それらを蘇生させて成立しています。これらの残骸(古いパン、クシャクシャになった紙、レンガや包み紙)は、無造作にかき集められたり、刻まれたり、積み上げられたり… 。そして、撮影によって一旦凍結させられ、物質の「沈殿物」や「未定の石」を形成します。これらの集合物は、原始の世界からの遺物に似ており、古代の架空のオデッセイ(長期にわたる冒険的放浪の旅)を表現しています。静止した岩から振動する岩まで、これらのイメージは、脆弱で苦悩に満ちた神話の象徴です。待機中のこれらの石たちは、私たちを見つめ、私たちに遠い過去を追想させてくれるのです。
Artist Statement
My photographic field feeds on material gleaned from my daily life, which I revive.
These remains (old breads, crumpled papers, bricks and wrappers) are scrambled, chopped, stacked together … And frozen by the photograph to form “ precipitates ” of matter, of “ pending stone ”. These aggregates resemble the remnants of an original world, and represent a fictional odyssey in the archaic. From static rock to vibrating rock, these images are the symbols of a fragile and distressing mythology. So, these stones waiting, look at us and make us look far back.
I. 2020年10月10日(土) - 10月25日(日) <既知と未知>
II. 2020年11月7日(土) - 11月22日(日) <明らかにされた偶然>
Open: 土日 12:00 - 18:00
I. 10 (sat.) - 25 (sun.) October, 2020 <The Known And The Unknown>
II. 7 (sat.) - 22 (sun.) November, 2020 <Coincidences Revealed>
Open: 12:00 - 18:00 on Saturdays and Sundays
GALLERY IND.では、福西広和によります弊ギャラリーでの4回目の個展「絶え間ない流れの中で」を開催いたします。今回は、展示作品をシリーズごとに2つに分け、それぞれをI期 <既知と未知>、II期 <明らかにされた偶然>と題して開催いたします。
GALLERY IND. is pleased to announce the 4th solo exhibition by the fine art photographer, Hirokazu Fukunishi(b.1971). Fukunishi has been giving careful consideration to a matter of seeing things. By means of photography, he brings his ideas into focus on the moment when we come at beauty, the way we find it, and, by extension, what the act of seeing things really is.
He captures objects as if he was scooping them out of everyday things we are accustomed to seeing, so that in each of his photographs we can find the essence of each individual thing we have not noticed before. The period I, "The Known And The Unknown", features the black-and-white photographs of the dynamically unfolding world of the heavens and the earthly world which appears frozen and silent. And the period II, "Coincidences Revealed," consists of the color photos of the bewitching figure of the dew grass against a jet-black background, with a visually experimental technique.
We hope you will enjoy his Baroque photographs, and also the fragments of his perspectives and thoughts that underlie them.
I《既知と未知 》
Artist Statement
<In The Never-ending Flow>
Our experiential fields are covered with a vague sense of the "known". They are always mixed and compounded by the sensory sensations of the body, and are not clearly defined. However, whether it is known or unknown, once we recognize "something" as "it" in our consciousness, it may be internalized as a perception, and then it becomes an "experience" by recombining them according to our daily needs. On the other hand, it is easy for us to experience an extreme short circuit, as if the visual nature is linked to the mental image, only when we have seen "something" before. At the same time, there is a link between "something" and "something" which is not supposed to coincide or meet with each other in the "never-ending flow" of the visual world. It seems to me that at the root of it is a desire to make such a dark complication. If we were lucky enough to find "something" that could inspire such a desire, what would be captured in the photographs? Such questions echo in my mind.
I <The Known And The Unknown>
Vision may be unable to avoid making known what it sees because of the uninterrupted daily transitions, even though what it sees remains shrouded in probability and contains various possibilities. If so, where is the unknown to the eye?
Ⅱ <Coincidences Revealed>
Anyway, the motivation for the accidental occurrence was that I wanted to take a closer look at it, in more detail. I was correcting and modifying what I was seeing, and at that time it was "something" that was trying to expand as much as possible the image that the light represented, to transform the unknown into the known.
2020年9月5日(土) − 9月20日(日)
Open: 土日 12:00 - 18:00
05 (sat.) - 20 (sun.) September, 2020
Open: 12:00 - 18:00 Saturdays and Sundays
GALLERY IND.では、堂東由佳によります新作個展「雑貨的な...」を開催いたします。
GALLERY IND. is pleased to announce the solo exhibition by silkscreenprint artist, Yuka Doutou (b.1983). In Doutou's works, most of the motifs are highly characterized, and some of them are so tightly packed that we can hardly distinguish clearly what is depicted on the surface while seeing them in a distance. On the other hand, when we examine them up close, unexpected images such as cats, butterflies, or riceballs appear before us. Also, the multiple combinations of them give us a feeling of humor, funniness, loveliness, or sometimes even a little eeriness. According to the circumstances we see them, they seem to take on a quite different look.
In addition to those silkscreened works, her new initiative is to create a series of images that are physically cut apart and deconstructed. Then, the fragments of them are randomly rearranged, so to speak, like a cut-up in literature. By means of this technique, unrelated fragments are brought together in an idle association to form a strange story again, where viewers on their part are also attempting to make them emerge in succession with a strange storyline.
By means of silkscreen printing, I usually create artworks out of my drawings. First, I draw some characters which may look somewhat lovable but awkward. Then, I arrange them wth a PC, putting them together or setting them apart from one another again and again.
While I’m at work, I always think of the right distance for the viewers to see my works. But sometimes I deliberately make the images not clearly visible or undistinguishable, with the details too small or complicated. This is partly because I’d like the viewers to see them both at close range and from a distance, and also partly because I like to play a visual trick on them.
Motifs of my works are expressed in a laid-back mode but with rather an uneasy feeling. To express one of the main themes in my creation − carefree days, with a bad feeling, for example, I frequently employ the images of cats suffering as a result of bleeding, diarrhea, vomit or fever, trying to create both a swallowing air and an eerie atmosphere at the same time. I like the process of silkscreen printmaking, through which I think I can produce a lot of works without difficulty and express such a feeling most effectively.
2020年7月11日(土) − 7月26日(日)
開廊日時: 土日 12:00 - 18:00
11th (sat) July - 26th (sun) July, 2020
Open: 12:00 - 18:00 on Saturdays and Sundays
GALLERY IND.では、カタルーニャ出身、現在パリに活動拠点を置くベルタ・セセによります弊ギャラリーでの5回目の個展”Micro Landscapes”を開催いたします。
2016年の初個展"Macro Cosmos"では、金属の酸化面などを撮影して宇宙を浮遊する物体のように捉えた写真作品を展示、2017年"Ether's Chimies"では、オーロラを思わせる色鮮やかのペインティング作品を、2018年"Mirages"では、物の表面や剥離面を拡大して捉えた泡沫夢幻を想起させるモノクロームの連作写真を展示しました。更に、2019年は、ペンキ跡の残った木片などを接写拡大し、硫黄ガスを噴出させる火山の噴気孔のように見立てた、"Sulpha Terra"へと作品を展開してきました。今回の"Micro Landscapes (マイクロ・ランドスケープス)"においても、micro/macroという従来のコンセプトと手法を基に制作された新作のペインティング作品とその一部を撮影した写真作品を合わせて展示いたします。
GALLERY IND. is pleased to present the 5th solo exhibition of the Catalan artist Berta Sesé. Born in Barcelona (Spain) and based in Paris (France) since 2002, where she did work as a fashion designer for twelve years. She is devoted exclusively to art since 2014.
The artist’s work alternates between painting and photography. Berta is captivated by the Japanese principle wabi sabi, which consists in seeing in the imperfect, the modest, a form of beauty in motion, where the subject becomes another. She is also interested in the principle of correspondence between the infinitely large and the infinitely small, as in quantum mathematics and fractals. Her purpose is to lead us to appreciate the bond between detail and whole. Her work is an invitation to rediscover our environment, based on the freedom of spirit to appreciate the magic of the universe.
Her photographs bring us closer to the real world based on the perception of its details embodied on a different scale. The artist identifies the subject with a very intimate dimension, as a fractal scientific approach to our environment and its projections. Through a macro lens, the image is filled with emotion and becomes a world in itself.
For her 5th solo exhibition at Gallery IND., Berta Sesé exposes for the first time the full set of a photographic series, presenting at the same time the original subjects, in this case her own micro-paintings, and the corresponding macro photographs.
This new series is a revelation of dreamlike sceneries on the edge of the perceptible. Painted on adhesive tapes (utterly a wabi sabi support), her micro paintings make us think of romantic seascapes and misty horizons, of a deep blue, veiled of pink and white tones. They invite us to dive into miniature details to find out some unexpected painted landscapes, while their photographic version encompasses and transports us directly into a distant dreamy place. Two paths in a different scale to make us discover and feel the force of the infinitely large and the infinitely small that lead the cosmos where we belong.
後援: インスティテュ−ト・ラモンリュイ
Institut Ramon Llull